Saturday, August 6, 2011

Now is the time for all good men/women to come to the aid

We should all stand up and applaud Barak Obama, he has succeeded in “Fundamentally Changing” the United States of America. Thanks to his leadership and concern for the people of the United States, we have, for the first time in our history become a second class country. Between Obama and the other Socialist in the Democratic Party, and the “Smoke Blowers” in the Republican Party, the S&P has downgraded the financial status of this country, in case you don't understand what that means, the risk level for this country's borrowing power has just gone up. That means now it will cost us more to do the same business we were doing before. What that translates to is simple, the price we will now pay for the ability to borrow money from anyone in the world has gone up. If we used to pay 10% on the loans made, it might now rise to 12% or greater on any future loans.

Now where do you thing the government is going to get the money to pay that increase???

If you say the Millionaires and Billionaires, you are right, but lets go a step further, those Millionaires and Billionaires are going to have to pass the costs of those increases on to consumers, now, who do you think the consumers are???

If you said the general public, score yourself at 100%, and here's the kicker. Do you remember the last episode of “How the Obama economy runs”
to paraphrase “The Anointed One” himself

Those who can afford to pay for the privilege of living and working here should pay”

Now who do you think that is??? If you said “Us” give yourself another 100%. Let me make it real simple

Barak Obama = I say, you pay

Here comes a very pregnant question for you all, just who in reality is responsible for this situation?

Could it be the “Anointed One” himself?                          Only partly
Could it be the “Liberal Democrats”?                              Only partly
Could it be the “Smoke Blowing Republicans”?                Only partly
Could it be the “Terrorist Tea Party”?                            Nope
Could it be the “Independents”?                                      Nope

Then who could be the responsible party for this mess? The responsibility my friend rests squarely on the shoulders of -----

John Q. Public

We let the government run all over us because THEY WANT.
We let the unions run all over us because THEY WANT.
We let other countries run all over us because THEY WANT.
We let some small time idiots half a world away dictate what terms we will live under because THEY WANT.


I don't know if anyone remembers, but there used to be a sentence used in just about every typing class anyone ever took.

Now is the time for all good men and women
to come to the aid of their country.

Never in my recollection has that adage been truer, this country is really in need of a makeover from the inside out. The socialistic cancer that has spread throughout this society has got to be excised. The elitist ideology that prevails throughout this nation and is very readily observable in Washington has got to be downgraded and put where it belongs, in the dumpster along with the other garbage.

This country was built on people from every walk of life who joined together for a common cause, 

not on a few who would decide “Who would be King”

Everything about us has been “We the People” not we the servants.
So why the complacency, why the utter disregard for the standards that made us who we were, and why the fall from grace in the “Eyes of the world”???

Stay tuned my friend the answer is coming, and trust me, you might not like it.

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