Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What My Country Tis

                The Right that is granted under the Constitution of the United States to live where I want, to worship how I choose, to raise my family in the manner I deem appropriate. To say no when I disagree, to choose to follow as opposed to being told to follow.

There are a thousand other reasons and sources that describe the most important attribute of America, the one that the rest of the world wishes they had to the degree we have it. Each of these reasons/sources is equally important and should not be minimized by anyone, friend or foe, for any reason.

I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.

                    We are not by any means guaranteed the "Successful Life" as shown on T.V. or in the movies. But, we are afforded the chance to accomplish whatever we are capable of, limited only by the expanse of our vision. 
That which is given at no cost, holds no value.

             The right of every man, woman, and child to be free from oppression in any form. The right of equality under the law, the right to be judged by a group of our peers. I might not agree with the results of a trial, but I will defend it without question.

           The place I come to for respite. My haven, my surety. Of all the places I have been, this is where I choose to remain.

1 comment:

Diane said...

GREAT Post, Duke!I feel the same way. Our forefathers were, indeed, very wise and insightful!
Diane from GST