Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why--- My Country Tis

Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hancock, and all the others black, white, brown, male, and female and children who participated in the "Birth of this Nation" from the "Boston Tea Party" to "The shot heard round the world" to the surrender at Yorktown through the years up to today, will indeed recognize that this Nation and turmoil have been synonymous. Our nation was born in the blood of those who chose to be free, to determine their own future and not be shackled by the desires of others.

From Day one, there has been disagreement on how and what, but the why was always the same. God blessed this country at it's inception because our Founding Fathers gave God His due. In what they did, they recognized the "Divine Providence" the "Hand of God" in the formation of the United States. This divine intervention was also evident in the formation of the country of His "Chosen People", the nation of Israel. That nation was built on the "Twelve Tribes", our nation was built on the "Thirteen Colonies"

Each Colony, like each tribe had it's own identity and purpose, as with Israel these differences were blended into one goal, building a home where the dignity of the individual was the centerpiece and freedom was the settings. The first draft legitimizing the formation of the United States were  the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Drafted in 1776-77, ratified in 1781 became the first written constitution though touted by the group known as the Nationalists as being to weak was after much debate replaced by the current version of the Constitution ratified in 1789.

The first Ten Amendments, also known as "The Bill of Rights" serve to limit the power of the federal government and protect the natural rights of liberty and property including freedoms of religion, speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and bear arms. The worth of the individual has always been prized over the power of the government.

From the beginning of time the idea that the individual can think and decide for himself has always caused problems for those who would rule. Wars have been fought to broaden the "Empire" and wars have been fought for the sake of "Freedom". People have banded together for the ideal of freedom, the heroes of these wars came from all walks of life, from all nationalities, from all backgrounds for the sake of "Freedom"

The retention of these "Freedoms" is a never ending process, there are always those who "Know more and are better suited" to rule than everybody else and will always attempt to institute "Fundamental Change" to that which they cannot control. Our "Constitution" was drafted and ratified on the premise of the right of the individual rather than the need for oppressive governing. This document was never to be replaced, only amended to insure the needs of the people were met.

It continues today even in the face of those who would challenge the need for the freedoms that it embodies, our duty is to protect and defend it against all  foes, foreign or domestic.


Oliver Love said...

Very well said Duke. It is a sad fact that most Americans have never read the Constitution but they are quick to tell us what we can and can't do.

I am proud to be an American and to serve my country 24 years in the USAF.

Anonymous said...

Very well written. Thanks.

Teresa said...

Amen to your blog!
Everyone should sit back and remember what America is all about, and how fortunate to have our freedom. We do need to bring back a lot of the Old America that has been lost with policy issues, however we are still a great Nation and I am proud to be an American!

John said...

Hi Duke;

Excellent article, and likewise I'm proud to be a UK supporter NOT of your idiotic government, but of good & honest American citizens such as yourself who stand up for everything which is truly wonderful about the USA and its people.

Thanks, and hats off to you.


Asher said...

Hi Duke,

Great post. Thank you for sharing it!

All the Best,