Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where have I seen this before?

Among the greatest challenges the new budget will face will come from politicians who fear that they might lose some of their current power along with those who will profit from the division of the country into segments over the current state of the budget.

It is not my intention to focus on such obstacles, since it really isn't fair to raise suspicion about a certain class of people simply because of the power they hold. An honest man can only acknowledge that such people can have good intentions and that opposition will no doubt come from good and honest people who have their own preconceived  ideas and opinions. Since the motives behind each of the opinions surrounding this discussion are so strong, it is certain that wise and good people will be found on both sides of the opinion---no matter how right we may think we are.

It should also be remembered that those on the side of the truth are not always led by more honest motives than those who oppose it. Ambitions, greed, personal animosity, party opposition, and many other motives that are just as impure, are guaranteed to be a work on both sides of the debate. Even if these motives didn't exist, we must remember that intolerance has always characterized political parties. In politics, as in religion, it is absurd to try to win converts by fire and sword. Dissent, after all, can rarely be cured with persecution.

Yet despite the fact that honest men/women agree with all these opinions, we have already seen indication that a of a torrent of angry and hateful rhetoric will be unleashed during this discussion---just as it has in every national debate. Judging by their conduct so far, those who are opposed to the new plan will attempt to grow their numbers and prove their point by being loud and bitter. Those who are enthusiastic about this plan will be stigmatized as being in favor of tyrannical rule and haters of liberty. Those who fear for the rights of the people---a fear that comes mostly from the head rather than the heart---will be exposed as being more interested in popularity than in public good.

On one hand, it will be forgotten that excessive jealousy for one's own rights is often the sister of violence, and that enthusiastic desire for liberty is often infected with the spirit of distrust. On the other hand it will also be forgotten that a strong govenrment is essential to the security of liberty and those two things can never be seperated.

Dangerous ambition often lurks more in those who have excessive enthusiasm for the right of the people than those who believe in firm and efficient government. History proves that the former more often leads to tyranny than the latter, and that people who have trampled on the liberties of the Republic often begin their campaigns by being overly concerned with the rights of the people, and helping to end tyranny.

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